Up Close with Daryn Alexander

Photo @jorgino29official • courtesy @daryn_alexander


Up Close with Daryn Alexander

Daryn, you’re the 1st runner up at the Mr. USA pageant and will represent the US at the upcoming Mr. World in Vietnam. How was the whole Mr. USA experience?

I had the best time and made long-lasting friendships. The most memorable parts were when we would be on the bus coming back to the hotel and we would dance the night away with a different playlist every night. That really built the bond amongst us.

This is not your first pageant, is it?

This is my fifth pageant. In 2020 I competed in the Citrus national, where I won the title. Later that year I competed in World’s Perfect pageant and got first runner-up. I competed in that same pageant the following year and won the title of World’s Perfect Man in 2021. In 2022 when I was handing down my World’s Perfect title, I was scouted by the national Director for Mr. International USA. I was then named the United States representative for Mr. International and competed in 2022. I had the honor to compete in the first Mister USA, where I got to represent my home state.

What is the role of a male beauty pageant, in your eyes?

To be able to build men’s character. It teaches you to be confident in the way you carry yourself as well as the way you speak. It shows you that there are many other people like yourself that are possibly struggling with the same issues. It allows you to be relatable with others. It’s just an overall great way to get you out of your shell.

Photo @jorgino29official • courtesy @daryn_alexander

We were impressed with your answers at the Mr. USA finals: you came across as well spoken and the most articulate amongst the contestants. The Romans used to say: mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body).

The way that I keep a healthy mind and a healthy body is by a simple life motto. “I am not ashamed where I come from and I’m not afraid of where I’m going.” we have all gone through our own obstacles in life. We will continue to go through obstacles in life. So, when I look back at when I first started my fitness journey, I have a sense of gratitude that I feel for myself because I see how far I have come. Of course there is so much more self-improvement I know I can make.

On your IG page you write: “When the USA calls (…) I rise. I rise not as one man, but the embodiment of a nation. This is not just me standing for a flag, but the heartbeat of 330 million people. I’m not just representing the USA, I am the USA.” There’s a sense of patriotism in these words of yours –which is far too rare these days. What does it mean to you to be an American?

To be an American is to embody the spirit of freedom, resilience, and unity in the face of adversity. It’s a deep commitment to the ideals of equality and opportunity, where every person has the right to dream and the power to pursue those dreams. It means standing together, despite our differences, driven by the belief that we are stronger as one nation. It is the unwavering love for a land built on sacrifice, where hope fuels progress and liberty defines us. Being an American means living with the courage to fight for a better future, not just for ourselves, but for the world.

Photo @jorgino29official • courtesy @daryn_alexander

We read you excelled in multiple sports and led St. Andrews University to its first volleyball championship. Tell us more about your background.

Growing up I was a multi-sport athlete. I played 6 sports in high school: cheerleading, golf, wrestling, basketball, football and my true calling, volleyball.

I love trying new things and I was able to excel at each sport. However, volleyball was the one sport where I broke past a threshold skill. Each year, I kept progressing at a very fast pace. My senior year of high school I was offered an academic and athletic scholarship to continue my volleyball career at Saint Andrews University in Laurinburg, North Carolina. My freshman year of college I was 4th in the country in service aces. This immensely helped my team and we were able to win our conference for the first time ever in the school history and go to the national tournament. Returning the following year into my sophomore year, I led my team in service aces and ended up being 2nd in the country in service aces. We not only won a back to back conference championship, this time we went undefeated in our conference, taking us back to the national tournament for a second year in a row.

Photo @jorgino29official • courtesy @daryn_alexander

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

I see myself married to the love of my life who I am currently in a relationship with, as well as being a father. And I see my weight loss and body composition company growing immensely.

What can you tell us about ‘the love of your life’? What do you like most about her?

I am dating the girl of my dreams. The things I love about her are endless, but if I had to put it into words, I’d say she’s the kind of woman who lights up every room she walks into with her smile. She has a heart so pure and kind, always thinking of others before herself, making me want to be a better man every day. Her strength is quiet but undeniable, the way she handles challenges with grace and never gives up on what matters. She’s the kind of woman who listens deeply, who makes me feel seen and heard in ways no one else ever has. Her laughter is like music to me, and just hearing it fills me with joy. She’s beautiful, not just on the outside, but in the way she carries herself, in the way she loves fiercely and unconditionally. She makes even the simplest moments feel special, whether we’re talking late into the night or just sitting in silence together. Her intelligence inspires me. She has a way of looking at the world that makes everything seem possible. Above all, she loves with a depth that makes me feel like the luckiest man alive, and I’m grateful every single day that she’s mine.

Instagram: @daryn_alexander

Photo @jorgino29official • courtesy @daryn_alexander

Photo @jorgino29official • courtesy @daryn_alexander