Joe Reads “Keep On Truckin'”

Joe Reads “Keep On Truckin'”


Story by Annie

After spending most of the “adult” portion of my 32 years as a housewife and mother, it was hard getting adjusted to driving an 18-wheeler. But I needed a change, and at the very least, I figured that working with men all day would enhance my fantasy life. I am married—fairly happily—but my love life is sorely lacking in the “passion and spontaneity” department. After 14 years, it’s all become routine—nothing exciting, nothing new.

About three weeks into the job, I pretty much had the procedures down pat. And I was meeting men. I was both surprised and flattered when late one afternoon, a handsome, green-eyed hunk offered to assist me in setting up my side-kit. John and I joked, teased and worked until my sides were up and it was time for me to load. As the afternoon wore on, however, I began to sense he possessed at least a passing interest in me. Maybe it was the way he held my gaze—just a few seconds too long.

When I returned from my route a week later, I had almost forgotten John and his innuendos about riding together after I got back. I pulled up at a truck stop and to my surprise, he was sitting across the counter.

Our eyes met and John greeted me with a “Hey, there,” in his slow southern drawl.

“Hey there, yourself,” I smiled back.

“Mind if I join you?” Before I could answer with an enthusiastic “No, please do,” John picked up his coffee and took the seat next to mine. We talked over a few cups and finally walked out to our trucks. No big deal.

His decorum didn’t change until we were in the parking lot. At that point, he almost scared me when he forcefully pulled me to his chest. Recovering fairly quickly from the shock, I looked into his face and saw a kind, gentle man. I closed my eyes while we kissed, licking at his lips as his strong hands cupped my butt cheeks, pulling me closer to his huge erection. “Let’s stay here for the night,” he whispered.

We stumbled toward our trucks holding each other, barely breaking our liplock. Climbing up to the big bed of his sleeper, we undressed almost before we were fully inside. He peeled away my clothes so quickly, I didn’t even have time to think about what was happening. We kissed, touched and caressed, our hands wandering freely over each other’s bodies. Kneeling on the bunk, I continued to run my mouth over his incredible physique, relishing the sensation of his hard cock straining against my belly. Everything I had ever been taught told me that what I was doing was wrong. But I couldn’t stop—I just didn’t want to.

John kissed and licked his way down my throat, stopping at my excited breasts. As I gasped my pleasure, he grinned and pushed me back. “You’re not getting away so easy this time. I’m going to make sure you remember me,” he grinned. After endlessly working his way down to where I wanted him most, kneading my breasts and rolling my nipples between his fingers all the while, he began to suck on my clit. As his tongue moved slowly about, my pelvis caught his rhythm. I had just begun to fantasize about everything he was going to do to me when I sensed an explosion coming on. The sensation of my love juices mingling with the wetness of his tongue sent me over the edge.

Two wrenching orgasms later, he finally climbed on top of me, whispering how much he wanted this. The way he entered me—fast and hard—made me come again. Licking the sweat from my neck, he slipped the tip of his cock in and out of me, massaging my clit with his index finger at the same time. After teasing until I begged him to really fuck me, he plunged in, his deep, driving thrusts bringing me to another mind- boggling orgasm. Reveling in my pleasure, he moaned aloud before becoming lost in his own.

I left his truck and went home to my husband and kids the next day. I haven’t run into John since, but you can bet I’ll give the “Woodchuck” a shout on the radio the next time I see his big white freightliner on the road.

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