Playgirl’s 2025 Calendar

Playgirl’s 2025 Calendar

Airon (lensed by Mazi Shams), Ethan (ph Connor Clayton), Joe (ph Brian Kaminski), Nik (ph Kaminski), Matt (ph Kaminski), Georgi (ph Attila Kiss), Jonas (ph Marco Ovando), Fiachra (ph Kaminski), Dominik (ph Kiss), Jamal (ph Roberto Chiovitti), Dave (ph Kiss), Sergio (ph Joan Crisol): these are the 12 hunks –and the 7 photographers– gracing the 2025 calendar fresh off the press.

We understand that some of you were disappointed that the 2024 calendar was… safe-for-work (tame?) And so, full-frontal nudity it is, for this sizzling-hot 2025 edition. Available now on the store.